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The Universal Pantheist Society
Publications List

Many of these items are available on this website or elsewhere on the World Wide Web; when so available, links are provided. These publications are also available by mail order within the U.S.A. (subject to availability).

You can print out this list, circle the desired items, and send your request with a check payable in U.S. funds to the Universal Pantheist Society address below. Or send a self-addressed stamped envelope for a printed order form and membership information.

We also have an online bookstore, powered by Amazon.com - please visit our Universal Pantheist Society Bookstore.


Please send comments or questions to: ups@pantheist.net

Special Publications

  1. Universal Pantheist Society - Are You a Pantheist? FREE
    (Membership application brochure)
  2. Pantheism and Earthkeeping FREE
    (Tract discussing Anthropocentrism and the Pantheist ways of Knowledge,
    Devotion, and Works)
  3. God, Humanity & Pantheism FREE (Tri-Fold - in PDF Format)
    by Henry and Dana Lee Thomas. (Adapted from Living Biographies of Great Philosophers, (1941). Clear explanation of Spinoza's view of Pantheism.
  4. The Pantheist World View (5 pp, 1979; 2013) $1.50, or 99 cent ebook (free for a limited time). Format: ePub Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.
    (A general discussion of modern Pantheism, elaborating on the three Ways of Knowledge, Devotion, and Works)

    Now available on Kindle!

  5. God and Belief: The Pantheist Alternative
    by Irv Thomas (5 pp) 75 cents.
    (A valuable analysis dispelling the notion that Atheism and Monotheism are the only two religious alternatives.)
  6. Chronological Syllabus: The Relation of Pantheism and Religious Evolution by James Picton
  7. The Principle of Extended Identity
    by Silas Goldean. 50 cents.
    (An essay which explains Pantheism as a view which transcends the limited idea of "self" as merely the ego.)
  8. Modern Pantheism as an Approach to Environmental Ethics
    (reprint from Environmental Ethics, Summer, 1985) 13 pp.. by Harold Wood, Jr. (An in-depth, footnoted exploration of Pantheism, containing many references to writers who support a modern Pantheism as a philosophical/theological basis for ecologically valid ethics.) $2.00.
  9. Annotated Pantheist Reading List (1986) 4 pp.
    by Bill Cahalan and Harold Wood. 50 cents.
    (References to literature in the categories of Religious Experience; Pantheist Temples; Philosophy; Ethics; Lifestyles; Historical Pantheism; and Comparative Religion.)
  10. Twin Set: "Ecology as Religion" by Bob Hunter (copyrighted by Greenpeace) and
    "The God of Pantheism" by John Burroughs. 50 cents.
    (A modern environmentalist and a nineteenth century naturalist share similar viewpoints about Nature and Deity.)
  11. Sacerdotal and Ceremonial Policy (4 pp.) 50 cents.
    (Outlines guidelines for holding celebratory activities for natural events such as solstices and equinoxes, and human life events such as birth, christening, marriage, and death.)
  12. Should Pantheists be Vegetarian? by Harold Wood (6 pp) 50 cents.
    (Explores a Pantheist's religious responsibilities toward the things we take from Nature)
  13. Monism by Ernst Haeckel (4 pp) 50 cents.
    (The biologist who coined the term"ecology" and promoted the teaching of evolution
    discusses his Pantheist religion, that "God and the world are one."
  14. Anthropocentrism by John Seed (3 pp) 50 cents.
    (A critical essay describing the disease of human chauvinism, and how to obtain
    a transformation of consciousness embracing biocentrism in its place.)
  15. Pantheist Ethics for People - by Harold Wood (A brief essay explaining how Pantheist ethics are relevant not only for the natural world but for human relations as well.)


Selected Articles from Pantheist Vision:

  1. "Pantheism and Institutional Religion"
    by Harold Wood; also contains "Benedict Spinoza: Pantheist Prophet". $2.00
  2. "Pantheism: The Religion of Science" by Oliver L. Reiser;
    also contains "Joseph Wood Krutch: Pantheist Prophet" $2.00
  3. Special Issue: "John Muir: Pantheist Prophet" (1988)
    "Man's Place in the Universe" (our title) by John Muir; A New Commemorative Holiday:
    John Muir Day; Pantheist Prophets: John Muir 1838-1914. $2.00
  4. Special Issue: "Our Monistic Religion" by Ernst Haeckel. (1989) $2.00
    Also contains "What Pantheism Means to Me" by three members.
  5. "Book Review: A New Universalism for a New Century by A.J. Matill"
    by Harold Wood (1989) $2.00
  6. "Wilderness Vision Quest" by Michael Brown;
    Earthstewards book review; Save Walden" (1991) $2.00
  7. "The Scheme of the Universe" by John Burroughs;
    "Earth is Our Real Body" by Bill Cahalan (1992) $2.00
  8. Special Set: "Pantheism and Biodiversity" by Harold Wood and
    "The Confusion of Taxocentrism" by Harvey Chinn (1992) $3.00
  9. Special Issue: Henry David Thoreau: Pantheist Prophet (1993)
    reprinted on Thoreau Reader website (2006).
  10. "The Truth of Chief Seattle" by Joyce E. Meredith &;William C. Steele;
    Book Review: Seeking Awareness in American Nature Writing and Pilgrims to the Wild by Harold Wood (1993) $2.00
  11. "A Pantheist Water Cycle Celebration by Harold Wood;
    "Eco-Religion: Remaking Man in Earth's Image" - A Christian Fundamentalist Attack on Pantheism made by Dave Workman, together with a Response by Pantheist Vision editor Harold Wood. (1993) $2.00
  12. "Integrated Ecology: The Process of Counseling with Nature"
    by Michael J. Cohen; A Rain Celebration in Oregon by Peggy Robinson;
    "Pantheism and Panentheism" by Harold Wood (1994) $2.00
  13. "Property 'Rights' vs. Human Responsibilities" by Harold Wood; Pantheist Biocentrism in Court; Music Review: "Solitary Shores" $2.00
  14. "Mountain Peaks and Pantheism" $2.00
    by Gary Suttle; Readers Reply to Ed McCravy, Pantheist Viewpoints
  15. "Cosmic Loyalty" by Alexander F. Skutch; In Memorium: Alfred Henry Friedman; A Philosopher and Me (poetry) by Joan Watt; "Journey Toward an Earth-Centered Therapy" by Bill Cahalan. $2.00.
  16. "Book Review: Ishmael by Daniel Quinn"
    by Harold W. Wood, Jr.; Pantheist Viewpoints; warty bliggens, the toad by archy coacroach (don marquis); "The Emotions of Pantheism" by Harold Wood; Letters. $2.00
  17. "A Foothold in a World of Chaos" by Judy Pinn and Stuart Hill; Pantheist Viewpoints; "Ubiquity" by Judith Waters; Member's Reports: Bob Waldmire; "Why Earth Day Failed" by Harold Wood. [Out of print, but see web links.]
  18. "A Walk in an Alaskan Rainforest"
    by Lezlie Murray; "Lines in the Mind Not in the World" by Donella Meadows; What Pantheism Means to Me; Pantheist Viewpoints; "Book Review: Natural High by John P. Wiley, Jr.; Music Review: "Sisters of the Dream"; "Birds and Poets" by John Burroughs. $2.00. [Limited Quantity]
  19. "Pantheist Relics" by Harold W. Wood, Jr.; Book Review: Religious Experience and Ecological Responsibility, edited by Donald A. Crosby and Charley D. Hardwick ; Letters; New Board Member Paul Harrison; Member Exchange; Pantheist Viewpoints; What Pantheism Means to Me.
    [Out of print, but see web links.]
  20. [This issue is out of print - but see web links] "Pantheist Prophet: Albert Einstein and the Cosmic Mystery" by Paul Harrison; "Pantheist Writings" by Albert Einstein; Book Review: Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth/Healing the Mind by Harold W. Wood, Jr.; Pantheist Viewpoints; "Why Pantheists Should Proselytize" by Paul Harrison. [this issue is out of print]
  21. "Tolerance: An Inherent and Imperative Value of Pantheism" by Daan Hoekstra; "A Response to Daan Hoekstra" by Paul Harrison; "Socinianism - A Forrunner to Modern Pantheism" by Albert E. Johnson; What Pantheism Means to Me; Pantheist Viewpoints; Member's Exchange $2.00.
  22. "A Response to 'Scientific Pantheism' by Gary Suttle; "A Defense of Science and of 'Scientific Pantheism" - a Response to Gary Suttle by Paul Harrison, "Heretic, Scum!" by A.J. Mattill, Jr., Pantheist Viewpoints, What Pantheism Means to Me; Member's Exchange. $2.00.
  23. "The Idea of the Holy: A Pantheist Interpretation" by Paul Harrison; "Thoughts on Science and Pantheism" by Jeff Pitcher; "A Definition of Pantheism" by Bill Altermatt; What Pantheism Means to Me. $2.00.
  24. "On Loving Apples (Introduction to issue)" by Harold Wood; "A Scientific Pantheist Credo," by a working group of SP mailing list; "To Rever Nature, or to Pan Theism: Is It an Issue?" by Irv Thomas; "An Amazing Discovery," by Manuel Colunga-Hernandez; "What Pantheism Means To Me.". 2.00
  25. "Pantheism, Art, and Culture" by Daan Hoekstra; "Memories and Philosophy of a Spiritual Pantheist" by Ken Van Cleve; "Songbook Review: For the Beauty of the Earth" by Harold Wood; "Pantheist Viewpoints," "What Pantheism Means to Me," and "Two New Internet Discussion Groups: UPS Mailing LIst and talk.relgion.pantheism" $2.00.
  26. "Wellness and Pantheism: the Body as Temple" by Harold Wood; "Pantheist Humanism," by Daivd Harrington; "Pantheist Meditation" by Mike Elmer. "What Pantheism Means to Me." $2.00
  27. "Pantheist Prophet: Aldo Leopold" by Gary Suttle; "Book Review: World Book Encyclopedia and Columbia Concise Encyclopedia - Entries on Pantheism" by Harold Wood; Letters. $2.00.
  28. "On the Duty Against Speculation" by Harold Wood, Jr.; Book Review: Voyage of the Bassett by James Christensen; "Pantheist Viewpoints;" "Our Lord Creator, Evolution" by Loyal D. Rue; "What Pantheism Means to Me;" Cuatro Cienagas: Ecological Community Preservation Fund for 1999. $2.00.
  29. "The Practice of Pantheist Mindfulness" by Harold Wood, Jr.; "A Pine Cone Nature Meditation" by Derham Giuliani; "Pantheist Viewpoints," "the Church I Went to This Weekend" by Chris Highland; "What Pantheism Means to Me." [February, 2005] $2.00



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P.O. Box 3499
Visalia, CA 93278

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For more information about Pantheism, or questions about this website please contact Harold at ups@pantheist.net

Pantheism \Pan"the*ism\, n. [Pan- + theism.]
Any doctrine, philosophy, or religious practice that holds universe [cosmos], taken or conceived of as the totality of forces and/or matter, is synonymous with the theological principle of God.

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